Engineering News Leadership Profile

Dzunisani Mbalati

Full Name: Dzunisani Aldworth Mbalati

Position: Group CEO of DNG Energy

Main Activity of the Company: Development of energy infrastructure

Date and Place of Birth: September 15, 1982, Tzaneen

Education: BSc (Financial Mathematics); BCom (Accounting Sciences) – incomplete

First Job: Property developer

Career History Prior to Current Position: I have always led energy companies after my first job

Size of First Pay Packet: I had earned my first million by the age of 21

First Job with Present Group: CEO

Value of Assets under Your Control: R12-billion

Number of People under Your Leadership: 60

Management Style: Transformational – I inspire and support my team to deliver great results

Personal Best Achievement: The decision to start DNG Energy

Professional Best Achievement: Bidding 1 350 MW in the Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Life: My grandmother

Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Career: AdMakers CEO Duan Coetzee

Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Barack Obama

Businessperson Who Has Impressed You Most: Warren Buffett

Philosophy of Life: Steady consistency wins

Biggest Ever Opportunity: Being in Africa right now

Biggest Ever Disappointment: Not fighting hard enough for an infrastructure project that could have defined our future

Hope for the Future: Lighting up Africa

Favourite Reading: Business literature

Favourite TV Programme: MasterChef

Favourite Food/Drink: Sushi, pap and nyama/wine

Favourite Music: R&B and gospel

Favourite Sport: Golf, tennis and auto racing

Favourite Website:

Hobbies: Creative writing

Car: Bentley

Pets: None

Miscellaneous Dislikes: Time wasters

Favourite Other South African Company: Daytona

Favourite Foreign Company: Amazon

Married: To Lindo, since April 5, 2016

Children: Akani, 6; Awande, 4; Aya, 18 months

Clubs: The Country Club Johannesburg

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